Fast food
Nowadays, there are more and more problems with the workforce, it is more and more difficult to find a waiter and many facilities decide to have one waiter or decide that guests come to pick up their own order. The pioneers of this practice are fast food establishments Mc Donalds, KFC, Caribic pizza and others. By taking this system you will make your business easier.
The system is very simple. For your facility, you need pagers that you will give to clients. and you will have a base through which you invite clients.
You can invite the guest to come for the order even if he is out of the facility.
The system is great for all types:
-fast food
-companies that make ready meals
-all types of self-service facilities
Benefits for guests
The guest does not have to constantly observe and listen to see if he is being called for food, he does not have to go in and out of the facility and check if the food is ready. His pager vibrates, lights up, and beeps when an employee calls.
Benefits for owners
No more inviting guests, simply click to invite a guest whose order is ready.
Technical characteristics of the system
– The range of the device is 150 meters,
– For more distant locations, we use signal boosters,
– The warranty on the devices is 2 years
As you can conclude, the wireless guest calling system can improve, facilitate and take your business to the next level!